TIVA, is aware that its industrial activity does not happens without impacts, assumes an active attitude of environmental and social sustainability, and adopts a careful approach, in the preservation of the surrounding environment. Through the prevention of pollution, the rational use of the necessary resources for the development of its activity, it recognizes the demands of responsibility and retribution towards the surrounding social and cultural environment, contributing to the improvement of the living conditions of its employees and other community and for sustainable development.
This way, considering the challenges that the constant duty of the markets imposes, TIVA encourages all its employees to achieve excellence in the exercise of their functions and in the pursuit of those that are their strategic objectives, assuming the following commitments:
- Comply with the applicable Environmental Legislation and Regulation;
- Consolidate, in the development of its activity, the use of values and criteria for environmental and social assessment;
- Audit and continuously assess, in a transparent manner, its environmental performance;
- Promote the rational and efficient use of raw materials, energy and natural resources, in particular, energy, water, paper, and textiles;
- Increase the knowledge of the interactions of the company’s various activities, with the natural and social environment;
- Select partners and suppliers who assume responsible environmental and social behaviors and practices;
- Minimize the production of waste, prioritizing its recovery and selective collection, ensuring that the rest are sent to an appropriate final destination;
- Continuously improve the environmental performance of activities and services, seeking to prevent pollution and minimize the environmental impacts of operations without reducing the quality of the service provided to our customers and the company’s profitability;
- Consider the environmental aspects in the offer of new services and in the evolution of the business;
- Sensitize and continuously train Employees, ensuring their active involvement in the company’s Environmental Policy;
- Communicate to the Stakeholders and the general public, the company’s Environmental Policy.
With regard to other environmental aspects, TIVA always seeks to maintain an open dialogue with all interested parties, whether they are government entities, customers, suppliers, the local community or others.
An annual goal of reducing consumption by 2% of electric energy / amount of Textile material is set.
This indicator is monitored by the TIVA Environment / Certifications Officer.
Barcelos, 23 de Abril de 2021